Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Lord shankara has many meanings

shankara has many meanings, defined over the ages, passage of time. The ancient version, shank is happiness and ara means giver or "shankara" means the giver of happiness. He gives us happiness not by giving us blessings after being pleased with us. He does that by burning our ego,attachment and desire. He is the destroyer of fear and not of worlds. But in the more recent stories or puranas about vishnu and his jiju (brother in law ) shiva. It is the creator preserver destroyer or trilogy version. shankara also means destroyer of the conch or the universe preserved by vishnu. But in the ancient version , the tantric version or in the bhairava agamas, What really happens is that he opens his third eye or the eye of intuition and the site of the consciousness close to the pineal, when one pierces this ajna chakra he is forever free from ego attachment and desire. This is shiva tatva. The truth. Sathya means being truth not telling the truth because the truth can also be a half truth or a lie from some other perspective. Due to our entanglement with maya. Connect to your self. discover freedom. Grow on the sadhana. Satyam shivam sundaram. Jai guru mahadeva ! shiva our guru of tantra. tantra is energy worship. about polarities that pervade the universe. close your eyes. try visualization techniques from tantrik bhuddism. see how the energy changes,Or try pranayama for 30 minutes. notice how all the imaginary objects in your mind from the past will disappear and along with it your worries and the stress. ayama means to stretch , pran ayama is to stretch your prana. try shanka prakshalan, it can energize you , make you come alive. experience the release of energy. experience life. It is science not religion. discover thy self. discover the pure energy. 

Boom shankara !

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